The 1-5-1 Until He finishes what HEs begun the many becoming ONE

by Eric

Time. Place. Matters… 1942… or 2022. What has happened to you?Truth. Justice. The American way…What was ment; didn’t stay.Time and

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

Does the calendar year, draw Destiny near?Or…Is it our nearness to The Father, that Destiny Hears? Is time the mender

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

Worthless separation. Separation; brought about by worthless things.Such Great Value forfeited… for worthless things. Worthlessness… internally and externally embraced; because

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

Listen to Wisdom and live! Hear and apply; or die. In this life… Redemption is available for the repentant. But..

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

Are you God’s Prophet?  Or… Are you a “profit” of your own religion? Do your words prop up your own

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

A warning word for prophetic voices: We want to be considered “Oracles of God”… But, we no longer stand on

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

(A poem of Knowing)… Behold the Luminaries!  The Luminaries in Heaven are beholding the Luminaries scattered on the earth.  What

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

Images and words Images are depictions of actions like a snapshot of a moment in time.  Words are another way

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

What do we do when the heretical are gone? Do we NOW only heap up their praise? Do we revise

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

In order for the following questions to be beneficial, you MUST engage them with honesty. They MUST be answered from your

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

”Let’s go down to the soothsayer.” A soothsayer is someone who says the sooth (truth). Predicting the future, using magic,

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

You are frustrated.  It SEEMS like none of your words or actions matter. It APPEARS that you are not getting

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

Are the stars limited in their brilliance when we can’t see them? Are the Heavenly Bodies missing because they are

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

Is it true because we have “experienced” it?… Or is it true because the Spirit of Truth has told us

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

Can you see the colors in God’s Masterpiece of Love?  Can we see His “Love” Masterpiece clearly? An artist paints

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

Love for you is stronger than the sorrow I bear. Desire for your presence is aching within me. The quietness

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

True words about false prophets- There is great misunderstanding and deception concerning false prophets. Many people think false prophets give

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

The nearness of your Destiny! 2/20/18 The enemy constantly tells the devout Jewish scholars and prophets: “Your Messiah is near!

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

12:12am 1/10/18 What if the “new season” you are entering into is: Deception? If it is… How do we combat

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

“”If your post “offends” me; will you pull it down? If you are speaking what God has spoken (and it

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

Deu (Do) what Jesus Deu (Do)!  What do Deuteronomy… 8:3 6:16 & 6:13 Have in common?… Jesus took these Scriptures

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

Why do we allow situations and influences that we have “removed” ourselves from; to continue having influence in our lives?

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

I dreamed that I was at a hospital. Apparently I was working there. We (the workers) were separated into small

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

I want to open this post with prayer. Father, I thank you that you do all things well. There is

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

My hope is that someone would find this note and come out to find me. Hopefully it will be one

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

Let me start by saying that I really tried not to write this blogpost. But, God has been dealing with

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

Do we get the wrong impression from the examples set before us? This could apply to many things. God has

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

Who is like HIM? His Dayspring started long ago. He set the dawn into motion and daily a new one

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

I was not thinking about David or the times of David. I simply was going about my day and worshiping

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration

by Eric

This is a long post, I pray you will find it useful for your edification. In this post my hope

Posted in Articles of prophet-eration